1.) "Human Nature (Chapter 1; page 3)"
This quote by Johnson to me is trying to tell us that we as humans are looked at differently no matter what the case is. That it's not just a race thing between blacks and whites but people have to meet some kind of standard in order to separate themselves from the rest or make them self something of value. It shouldn't matter your race, or your gender or what you look like in order for you to fit in. Have you ever asked yourself why job applications have a place where you put your gender? Why does that matter men and women our both capable of the something. How come a guy's are more likely to get a job before women? It's simply because our society puts men on some higher pedestal then women. How come the handicap are looked down like if they cannot do things? Are society has made us all thing those ways, if we could change the way we think our actions would be different. We wouldn’t have to worry about somebody always being on top and us trying to do all meet their standards and not stay true to our standards and what we cannot change in our day to day lives.
2.) “The trouble around diversity is not just that people differ from one another. The trouble is produced by a world organized in way that encourage people to use difference to include or exclude, reward or punish credit or discredit, elevate or oppress, value or devalue, leave alone or harass. (Chapter 3; page 19)”
This quote to me illustrates to me that the world and society that we live in does judge simply on appearance on major things we cannot change. That just because I might me an African American male, gay, with Christians beliefs, in a wheel chair that I may get looked at differently and not have the same chance to get my dream job because of those reasons. To me this is important because the author points out that this if you do not meet certain standard you got to fight so people can see that being judge mental on those things you cannot change makes this a harder world to live for everyone. That we should not give privilege or include someone just based on some what they know or how much education they had. We should not have to reward those who have not struggled and do not know what giving is. We should not punish those who have come from immigrant households whose parents have fought for a better life for their families, but give them more opportunities to succeed. We should not have to put someone down in order to elevate the ideal prospect, we should not have ideals. We should not value one person more than another because in the long run that person that was devalued might become the biggest success story. We should leave everybody alone do not assume or make judgments, do not harass me because I am black and did not have the same upbringing as you. I cannot change who I am, but I can better myself and become someone if I have a chance. Trust me I am making the best out of my chance.
3.) “Unearned Entitlements” (Chapter 3; page 25)
This quote caught my eyes because to me it was the easiest thing to understand because it was so simple and straight to the point. That we all have privilege that we do not need to earn from nobody, it should just be their like respect for everybody. That a person with disability should not be afraid to go out in public and live a normal life. They should not have to go out and have people look at them in a weird way, make jokes about them, or shy away from them because they might b a little weird. Where all weird in our own ways, for instance I like my milk with ice many people say I am weird for that but that is how I like my milk. What judgment of me can you make just by that? Little to none, without really getting to know me you cannot judge me. I should not have to worry about people treating me differently at work because I have not had the proper education or fully trained. I can speak from experience, were I have been treated like unequal because I have not been at my job for so long. I should not have gone through that because I have worked hard to be where I am at and did all the necessary, but just because I did not have the proper education. I know how to do my job and I do it well that’s why I went about my own way and managed to prove to my boss that she made a mistake when she cut my hours and gave it to one of her favorites. She did not realize how much I could contribute; she did not give me a chance. My boss found out the great worker I am from everybody else, other telling her that she let a great worker go, but appreciate because I serve them a major purpose at their stores.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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