Sunday, October 25, 2009

In The Service of What??

“Servicing Those in Need” (page, 3)

I picked this quote because it stood out to me when I was reading it because these service learning cases talk about real life things that can enhance this project and make it a learning experience for everyone. It really grabs the attention of the students. It gibe students an opportunity to learn out side of the classroom. It also serves a major purpose as future teachers because we can see the things that kids can relate to and make the relationship of students grow outside of school. The students that do know each other in school might need each other out side of school. These service learning experience shows the people that your helping that you care, that you have compassion for there needs and it shows the students that there is always a way to help out. In my case I feel like if the kids are the one teaching me because I did not have a chance to learn all these things. I feel like this is my second chance, and I’m grateful for it because without this class I dont think this would be capable.

“Giving, Caring” (Page, 5)

I picked the table 1. Service Learning Goals which helped me understand the difference that they were trying to show us between Charity and Change. When I hear the word “Charity” I think about people that have a lot of money that give to the less fortunate to promote themselves and make themselves look good. I feel as if they give because they feel some kind of pity to those less fortunate. I feel as if the only reason people give is because they see others doing it so they feel forced to or obligated to do so. The addictive experience therefore is not a good one but a negative one because as the less fortunate I see that people that do charities really don’t care about the people they’re helping. I have had a chance to be a part of certain charities and really the only people that really care about charities are those that are emotionally connected. I feel has those that instill Change are those that are most successful. The its important to care about the people that are in need instead of the caring about individual accolades. That instilling change and caring in people lives will have and end result of a person social reconstruction so that there lives can change. As for charity ere things are only good for a short time period, change can turn a person life around for the long run. That by changing a person outlook and experience will have an end result that will transform you but most importantly those that need it the most.

"In the service of what?" is a question that inevitably merits the attention of teachers, policy makers, and academicians who take seriously the idea that learning and service reinforce each other and should come together in America's schools." (Page, 13)

I was lucky enough to have and internship program at my high school. I had to complete 30 hours in order to graduate, it was a very good experience because I knew I wanted to be a teacher so I interned at my own school as a Physical education teacher. It was a great experience because not only did I have fun with fellow classmates but I got to teach and it felt really good to realize that it was what I wanted to do as my career. I was experience that really helped me get over certain fears and see the type of things that teacher go through. I had to teach my own lesson plan and it was rally fun teaching my fellow classmate’s things they did not know but I did. I believe strongly in service learning and event though its time consuming and it may makes thing challenging I have enjoyed the experience and I have talked to my teacher to see if I can continue for the whole school year.

1 comment:

  1. wow i really like you first reflection, really deep. I liked that you discuss the element of stepping outside the classroom as well, to be honest with you i often forget about that aspect. And i agree that is this an oppurtunity for us, not only has this class opened my eyes to helping others, but it has given me the oppurtunity to actually do so, and im loving it. wow oh my god you did such a good job on this, come on man your making me look bad lol. jk.

    I totally agree with you on difference between charity and change, thats all i can say because you really covered it, you said it best.
